Thursday, May 24, 2007

Playing with friends and stuff

Hailey playing with her second cousin, Sarah. It took them a little while to get used to each other, but now they request each other on a regular basis. Funny girls!!

A few weeks ago, we babysat our friend, Ava. Hailey was pretty excited to have a baby around and show her how to do stuff. It was good to give her some practice. She wanted to feed Ava the bottle even though Ava knows how to do it herself, but she was a good sport and let Hailey "help".

"This is a baby."

We came across Hailey reading dad's scriptures the other day, so we had to get her her own since she destroyed his last set.

After reading scriptures, she wanted the camera. This is what happens when you are two!!!!

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