Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yay, Baby Boy!!!

So, I guess I can't write in the purple anymore, for the baby boy! We had a good ultrasound today. Baby boy (Jared?) is 1 lb. 1 oz. and they say they might move the due date to Sept. 22 because he is growing a lot and I don't want no 9 pound baby coming out of me!!!!! He was so active that we could get lots of good shots. Looks like he has Hailey's nose too. We are excited for him to come and everything looks great!

Playing with friends and stuff

Hailey playing with her second cousin, Sarah. It took them a little while to get used to each other, but now they request each other on a regular basis. Funny girls!!

A few weeks ago, we babysat our friend, Ava. Hailey was pretty excited to have a baby around and show her how to do stuff. It was good to give her some practice. She wanted to feed Ava the bottle even though Ava knows how to do it herself, but she was a good sport and let Hailey "help".

"This is a baby."

We came across Hailey reading dad's scriptures the other day, so we had to get her her own since she destroyed his last set.

After reading scriptures, she wanted the camera. This is what happens when you are two!!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Growing Girl!!

We are so proud of Hailey!! She has grown so much and is learning so many new things. She can sing her ABC's and count to 18. She loves to tell us to "Come on" and "I can't reach it" and other funny things she comes up with. She entertains us all the time. She loves her gymnastics class and likes to pull herself up on the bar. She has even learned how to stand in line and take turns from that class! She is almost potty trained, so we are pretty happy about that! Lately, she has been trying to pull my shirt up to see the baby and give him hugs and kisses. It's kinda weird sometimes, but I'm glad she's not hating the baby.

She was into the ladybug costume one day, so she wore it and put silverware away.

Don't ask me how she ended up like this. Lately, she likes coloring on herself more than coloring on paper!

After painting one day.

With her second cousin, Sarah. They are becoming good friends! Yay!

Feeding each other an apple.

Dad took some days of off work, so we went to Mt. Charleston on one of them and went on a little hike. It was pretty chilly, but Hailey was a trooper.

Easter Fun (Yes, it is late!)

We had a lot of fun on Easter. It was great to watch Hailey get involved in dying eggs and just being really cute.

Finished product. Her favorite part was putting the stickers on!

Family tradition....this might sound gross, but we always mix the leftover colors in a bowl and make a "brown egg". It is fun!

My sister, Sarah, was here from Idaho. This is one of her many self portraits. I thought I would embarrass her.

This will be a good one to get out for the boyfriends in the future. She loves her bubble blower, but got in trouble one day so we took it away. Not we can't find it. Sad! I know it will show up eventually.

Hailey with her best bud, Lana, having an Easter egg hunt.