Thursday, April 05, 2007

Potty Time!!

We finally got the nerve, (thanks mostly to my sister,Michelle) to potty train Hailey. She's been talking about the potty for months, so we took the plunge. It has turned out pretty well so far! She is good at realizing when she has to go. I still haven't been brave enough to put her in underwear when we go out, but someday! She was being really cute yesterday and I took a video of her dance moves, but then I realized she didn't have anything on underneath her you'll just have to imagine how great she looked rockin' out!

Going potty, eating goldfish, watching Peter Pan and making a fish face. She is a multi-tasker.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am "attempting" to potty train Maddie as well, but I am not doing a very good job. Your pictures on the strip inspired me to go down there too! It has been a long time!