Friday, June 01, 2007

Potty training......woo hoo!!

I am so excited to announce that Hailey is officially potty trained!!!! She is going both in the potty and is dry at night and at naps. We are so proud of our girl! It is the greatest feeling to know I don't have to buy diapers again for 4 months.=)


Unknown said...

ok, what kind of tips do you have? I just we just started today and I'm scared to to death!

Heather Bell said...

This sounds horrible, but I let her watch movies for a week and sit on the potty and we didn't go anywhere. We were both going crazy by the end. She figured out what it felt like to go and it didn't take too long before she was dry through the night. We also gave her jelly beans for pee and a sucker for poo. I have to warn you though, once you start, don't stop!!! It is hard at first, but you will get it!

Amy Rindy said...

Congrats! Isn't it so nice to have them out of diapers? I love it!