Friday, June 16, 2006

Me and my cousin, Ethan

We watch Hailey's cousin, Ethan sometimes and it is lots of fun!! He is definitely teaching her how to share! They have lots of energy together.

This picture was going to be so cute! They were in one of those "fun" carts at the store. Obviously, the handle was in the way. I don't think we'll be able to ride in one of those unless we are in the store for an hour because Hailey was VERY mad at me when I took her out. Mean mommy!

One of their favorite activities is spinning on the chair and saying "hello, goodbye".

Roar, I'm going to get you!

A reluctant hug...

Ready for a swim. If only they would finish repairing the pool!

Hee hee.

Poor Ethan, another hug. He's into girls are yuck phase.

Going on a walk!

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