Saturday, September 01, 2007

Our Growing Girl

Today, Hailey was "kidnapped" by our friends Laurie, Allan, Sarah, and Luke. Laurie keeps trying to tell me to let her have Hailey so I can have some relax time, but I never did because I thought we were doing fine. It was so nice to have a break though!! They went on a hike in the mountains and had lunch. Hailey actually went pee in the bushes and she said she was "sliding". I wish I had a picture of her after she got back. She was so happy and dirty!=) The best part is she was reading a book and they had the windows down in the car, so the girls started putting their hands out of the windows, when suddenly, Hailey's book went out the window too. I thought that was pretty funny! Anyway, I am just so proud of Hailey and for her being such a big girl. I guess I just have to face the fact that she is growing up and let her grow up!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

She IS really cute, and big! I know the feeling of forgetting how old they are sometimes, and that they actually like having fun times without me. (It makes me feel left out!)

It was neat to see the pictures of our old high school friends from your shower (I was out of town).