My mom and sister threw me a baby shower for our little guy a few weeks ago. It was great to see all the old friends again. These are the only pictures my camera had before it died. These are my friends Kristi Milk(known since 7th grade), Heather Worthen (6th grade) and Tara Crowder (4th grade). Funny how over time we can still get together and have plenty to say! Thanks mom and Michelle for a great shower!

Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Idiotic Questions
I guess I am going to blame this on the pregnancy hormones, but if anyone else asks me "haven't you had that baby yet?", they are going to get hurt!! With that said, I have to tell you what this guy in my ward told me the other day. He has four kids, so you would think he has a brain by now about pregnancies, I guess not! He asked me when I was due and I told him a few weeks and he said "Not a few hours?" Rude!!! I know I am poking out like crazy and the belly is in the way all the time, but I don't need a reminder, because I am the one with the belly, right? Oh yeah, I forgot I was pregnant. Thanks for reminding me!! Not to mention, every time I go anywhere in public, people look at me with expressions of pity and I know what they are thinking. At least (most) of them don't say anything!! But I've heard it all in the past week "Are you about ready to pop", "Wow, you're really poking out there", "Doesn't it stink to be pregnant in the summer?" Even "When are you due?" is getting old, so just a warning if I see anyone reading this in the next few weeks, don't ask me any questions!! Honestly, I don't even know when my real due date is and YES, I hope he will induce me on the 24th. (Dr. Swainston is a compassionate man) Any other questions, can be forwarded to my secretary, Hailey Kate Bell!! PS. I'm not really mad, except annoyed at the dummy at church.
I've been tagged a few times, so I guess I should finally do it.
4 Jobs I've had:
1. Hallmark "sales associate" (mostly wrap presents and open "free" boxes of chocolates for customers)
2. Albertson's checker
3. David O. McKay Library at Ricks College-good thing or I wouldn't have met Blake.
4. Case manager for kids and adults with disabilities
(I've actually had 12 jobs since being 16. Does that look unstable to you?)
4 Movies I can watch over and over:
1. Pretty in Pink
2. Hitch
3. Gone with the Wind
4. 13 going on 30
4 Places I've Lived:
1. Las Vegas at my parents house
2. Apartment in Rexburg
3. Dorms in Rexburg
4. Las Vegas in this apartment that we will be at for 16 months, our longest time ever at one place!
Tv Shows I enjoy:
1. The Office
2. Ellen
3. Ugly Betty
4. Everybody Loves Raymond
4 Places I've Been on Vacation:
1. Disneyland
2. Yellowstone
3. The Beach
4. Hollywood
4 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Cheesecake Factory
2. Johnny Carinos
3. Einstein Bagels (I know, not a real restaurant, but whatever)
4. Cracked Egg (for the fries)
4 Websites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo
2. My family
3. Friend's blogs
4. My bank
4 Places I'd rather be right now:
1. With Blake on vacation
2. At the beach
3. In the hospital (having a baby)
4. In a spa
4 People I Think Will Do This: (assuming they didn't already)
1. Mom (you need a blog)
2. Lisa
3. Stephanie (you need some excitement on your blog!)
4. Cindy
4 Jobs I've had:
1. Hallmark "sales associate" (mostly wrap presents and open "free" boxes of chocolates for customers)
2. Albertson's checker
3. David O. McKay Library at Ricks College-good thing or I wouldn't have met Blake.
4. Case manager for kids and adults with disabilities
(I've actually had 12 jobs since being 16. Does that look unstable to you?)
4 Movies I can watch over and over:
1. Pretty in Pink
2. Hitch
3. Gone with the Wind
4. 13 going on 30
4 Places I've Lived:
1. Las Vegas at my parents house
2. Apartment in Rexburg
3. Dorms in Rexburg
4. Las Vegas in this apartment that we will be at for 16 months, our longest time ever at one place!
Tv Shows I enjoy:
1. The Office
2. Ellen
3. Ugly Betty
4. Everybody Loves Raymond
4 Places I've Been on Vacation:
1. Disneyland
2. Yellowstone
3. The Beach
4. Hollywood
4 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Cheesecake Factory
2. Johnny Carinos
3. Einstein Bagels (I know, not a real restaurant, but whatever)
4. Cracked Egg (for the fries)
4 Websites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo
2. My family
3. Friend's blogs
4. My bank
4 Places I'd rather be right now:
1. With Blake on vacation
2. At the beach
3. In the hospital (having a baby)
4. In a spa
4 People I Think Will Do This: (assuming they didn't already)
1. Mom (you need a blog)
2. Lisa
3. Stephanie (you need some excitement on your blog!)
4. Cindy
Friday, August 10, 2007
Baby News!!
I guess I need to start writing in blue for the little guy! We went to the dr. yesterday and found out that I am measuring two weeks above what I should be. So, around 37 weeks they are going to see if he is ready to come so that I don't have a dang big baby. Yikes! Dr. Swainston asked if I have felt bigger this time and I said YES when I really wanted to say "Have you seen this belly recently?" So, exciting that he might be coming soon, but now I see how much I have to do. Oh, and we still don't know what to name this kid...Logan, Blake, or Spencer. Is it wrong to have three first names?
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Celebrity Look alikes
Great--I always wanted someone to say I look like Pamela Anderson.....
So, Hailey is Asian now?! What's the deal?
And no, Blake wasn't left out, there just weren't any good matches for him. He has always been told he looks like Christian Slater though and it is totally true, minus the drug addiction!!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Slide Story
Today was a cool 84 degrees, so we decided to go to the dinosaur park. Hailey was so happy because we haven't been to the park in a long time since it's been over 100 degrees. Anyway, she climbs to the very top of the tallest tower and says she wants to go down the slide. I asked her if she was sure because last time she came out crying for five minutes. She used to go without any problems! I kept asking her if she was sure and reminding her that mommy can't go down the slide with her right now. So, she gets all excited and says she wants to go and starts going down. Well, she gets about three feet down the slide and comes to a screeching halt and says she needs help and starts crying. Her fingers were holding on to the crack in the slide so she wouldn't go down. I felt so bad, I totally couldn't reach her. So, I called this kid up to help her and she let go before she came up. She comes out of the bottom of the slide and jumps up in the air with both arms raised and yells, "I did it, mom" and comes and gives me a huge hug. This kid!!! Of course, she wouldn't go down anymore after that! I am afraid of the future.=)
Bye Bye Lana
We are sad that our friends, the Trousdales, had to move to Texas. Hailey and Lana were best buds and this was the best picture I could get of them before they left. The other ones were of the back of their heads. They had so much fun together all the time! I guess we'll have to find a replacement friend, but it will be hard!
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