This weekend, Hailey and I went to Utah to visit my old roomate and her son. It was great!! Everything went really well, until the car broke down on the way home and then Hailey projectile vomitted all over herself, me, and my sister-in-law's new carpet. Luckily, they are the "stain masters!" Kids are great, don't you agree?!
Hailey and the baby lamb, Miracle. My friend, Mikaila's dad loves sheep. This one was born really early and was the size of a cat. They bottle fed her and let her sleep in their bathroom. Now, she is like one of the family!
Hailey's first ride down the slide. She is an old pro now! Too bad it is so cold in Rexburg!
Just walkin' around.
Mikaila and Owen, me and Hailey basking in the sun.
Hailey's current favorite thing, "DOG!" She loves anything that has four legs that might be a dog. It is so funny!