I wanted to try to make this blog cuter, but it wasn't working with this format. So, I started a new one. Here is the address: http://fourjinglebells.blogspot.com/ I know, not that creative, but oh well. Hope to see you there.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Life with the Bells
Things are pretty lame here on the Bell blog. Sorry. Having two kids is a lot more work than I thought!=) But it is great. Things are going really well. Hailey has really become a big girl in this transition. She loves to hug (half lay on) Spencer and kiss him. If she can't see him first thing in the morning, she gets all upset. I don't think he will have to worry about getting beat up with Hailey around. She can do the whole potty thing by herself, including washing hands and all that. She loves the Halloween foamy soap we got her! She has been saying lots of funny things, but one of my favorites is "Mom, I want to buy this (a bear shaped cake) and share it with you." Isn't that nice?! She loves reading and after once or twice reading a book, she remembers most of it. And she loves John Meyer right now, her favorite song is "Broken Heart". I think we listened to it ten times in the car one day. And I caught her singing the Justin Timberlake song "Summer Love", except she was singing "Some more love". It has been very entertaining to watch her personality grow. She loves dancing and somersaults and is always saying "mom I am crazy!" She really wants to go to school, so when she is three we're going to find her a preschool class. And she has begun a life of crime.....We were at Albertson's the other day and I let her ride in the cart where the kid can steer and stuff (you know, the really dirty ones.ew). She was being so good, it was great. Then we get out to the car and I go to help her out and she had taken a thing of bubble tape. So, we talked about it and took it back to the store. She was being so quiet, I asked her what was wrong and she totally started crying so bad. I felt so bad for her! But I guess she recognized it was wrong.
Spencer is growing VERY well. He has super long legs and long toes to match them. He has been doing little half smiles aka gas, but we take what we can get. He has been a really good baby so far and doesn't keep us up too much at night. It is great to have him around. He makes life so much fun for us and has helped us to slow down and kind of take a break. He has what is called "noisy breathing". So pretty much, he always sounds congested, but it is supposed to go away by 6--8 weeks. Poor guy, can hardly take a binky because he can't breathe through his nose with his binky in. Oh well, I am sure I will be sad about it later when he is screaming his head off at the grocery store.
Blake is liking his new job delivering serves for Paradigm Attorney Services. No, he hasn't gotten shot at or anything, just locked himself out of the car three times. We are glad he is working there. It has been alot less stressful than his other job and pays better. He works from 1 pm to 9 pm, so we get to see him in the morning and take him out with us on errands. He is also doing his computer repairs and building on the side and loves that. And school too. It is busy, but he has a great attitude and still manages to help out with the kids and house and stuff. He is also the second counselor in the elder's quorom as of two weeks ago.
I am being mom. I might start tutoring again in a few weeks, just to help out and stuff. But we'll see. I am happy and glad to have my family. This is starting to drag on. Sorry. And our picture software is all funky, so no pictures for now. We have about 400 on our camera, so you'll see a bunch soon!
Spencer is growing VERY well. He has super long legs and long toes to match them. He has been doing little half smiles aka gas, but we take what we can get. He has been a really good baby so far and doesn't keep us up too much at night. It is great to have him around. He makes life so much fun for us and has helped us to slow down and kind of take a break. He has what is called "noisy breathing". So pretty much, he always sounds congested, but it is supposed to go away by 6--8 weeks. Poor guy, can hardly take a binky because he can't breathe through his nose with his binky in. Oh well, I am sure I will be sad about it later when he is screaming his head off at the grocery store.
Blake is liking his new job delivering serves for Paradigm Attorney Services. No, he hasn't gotten shot at or anything, just locked himself out of the car three times. We are glad he is working there. It has been alot less stressful than his other job and pays better. He works from 1 pm to 9 pm, so we get to see him in the morning and take him out with us on errands. He is also doing his computer repairs and building on the side and loves that. And school too. It is busy, but he has a great attitude and still manages to help out with the kids and house and stuff. He is also the second counselor in the elder's quorom as of two weeks ago.
I am being mom. I might start tutoring again in a few weeks, just to help out and stuff. But we'll see. I am happy and glad to have my family. This is starting to drag on. Sorry. And our picture software is all funky, so no pictures for now. We have about 400 on our camera, so you'll see a bunch soon!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Baby Spencer James
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Just for fun
Hailey was invited to our friend, Sarah's princess birthday party on Saturday. She was so excited to get all dressed up in her bling! My camera batteries all died after this, so this is the only picture. But she had a great time playing in the bouncy house and swimming and playing with the other little girls there. While Sarah was opening her presents, she was so excited she had to restrain herself and she was seriously shaking, she was so excited!! On one present, we had to stop the madness because she just dove right in. Luckily, Sarah is a good sport. Thanks for a great party!
Just three more days to go. I think I look pretty ridiculous actually. It's kinda embarrassing to put this up. There are a few things I am actually going to miss about pregnancy, believe it or not!!
1) Hailey yelling at the baby every morning "come out so I can read books to you"
2) Hailey laying her head on my belly and saying "Wow, mom is hot."
3) The kicks
4) Feeling like I can have ice cream every night if I want to.
That's about it!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yay for Doctor appointment!
Today I had another dr. appt. and yay, I am progressing!! I am so glad because nothing happened with Hailey until she was five days late and the dr. made something happen! So, I am heading in the right direction and if I don't have him in the next little bit, I will be induced on the 21st at 930. Yay. I can even sleep in a little bit! I am excited for the baby to come and get the pregnancy over with. Without Hailey, I would sit around the house all day like a big fat fatty! It will be so great for Hailey to have a sleepover with grandma.
While I am being excited, I have to tell you about this awesome stroller I found. It is a sit and stand and has space for 2 kids, but it's not huge. It folds up nicely and has a seat for Hailey to sit and can carry a car seat and I got it for $80 less than at the store because I found it barely used by chance. Hooray for people who are done having kids! Anyway, just excited and thought I would pass it along.
While I am being excited, I have to tell you about this awesome stroller I found. It is a sit and stand and has space for 2 kids, but it's not huge. It folds up nicely and has a seat for Hailey to sit and can carry a car seat and I got it for $80 less than at the store because I found it barely used by chance. Hooray for people who are done having kids! Anyway, just excited and thought I would pass it along.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
So, I have a lot to say lately.=) But I have had a lot of spare night time on my hands since Blake has been working at nights and I've read a lot of books recently. I'm sure you know all about the Twilight/Vampire series by Stephenie Meyer. But I came across the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella. They are hilarious and a really easy read. It is just funny to read her reasoning behind certain things. There are about six books, I think. Definitely great summer reading!
Mountain Fun!
We went to the mountains for our friend's first birthday and to meet up with some old friends from high school. It was so great to see everyone and see our kids hang out together and stuff! It's been eight years since I graduated. Time goes so fast!
Our Growing Girl
Today, Hailey was "kidnapped" by our friends Laurie, Allan, Sarah, and Luke. Laurie keeps trying to tell me to let her have Hailey so I can have some relax time, but I never did because I thought we were doing fine. It was so nice to have a break though!! They went on a hike in the mountains and had lunch. Hailey actually went pee in the bushes and she said she was "sliding". I wish I had a picture of her after she got back. She was so happy and dirty!=) The best part is she was reading a book and they had the windows down in the car, so the girls started putting their hands out of the windows, when suddenly, Hailey's book went out the window too. I thought that was pretty funny! Anyway, I am just so proud of Hailey and for her being such a big girl. I guess I just have to face the fact that she is growing up and let her grow up!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Baby shower
My mom and sister threw me a baby shower for our little guy a few weeks ago. It was great to see all the old friends again. These are the only pictures my camera had before it died. These are my friends Kristi Milk(known since 7th grade), Heather Worthen (6th grade) and Tara Crowder (4th grade). Funny how over time we can still get together and have plenty to say! Thanks mom and Michelle for a great shower!

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